For this occasion I will share information about IPAYMU. What is IPAYMU?IPAYMU is Payment Gateway Processor which is part of the PT. IPAYMU Indonesia Mandiri. iPayMu offers online payment solutions. Product
mix that includes the functionality of e-commerce for trade
ritel.iPayMu have integrated tools to e-commerce that you need as a
means of payment online, by debit card, credit card, and even
withdrawals and remittances.
iPayMu believe, Indonesia online business online requires payment for a web business with online transactions safe and productive. iPayMu minimize the required knowledge of online business applications easily and without programming, can have their own online payment system in the website business.
iPayMu provide products that are integrated three separate businesses into one company that is business e-commerce solutions, payment gateway / payment business network and merchant services business. iPayMu is a full service Merchant Service Provider in Indonesia.
IPayMu technology combines merchant accounts and payment solutions with the most innovative integration and data security measures around. IPayMu goal is to help companies deal with a single-source solution provides online payment and account services seller. IPaymu package options can be customized for the business to include fulfillment vendor accounts, payment processing gateway, shopping cart integration, recurring transactions, and money transfers.
iPaymu committed to unyielding to be the best in the payments industry and has a vision and conscience to respond to the needs of each and every customer has the privilege to serve. They serve with courtesy, efficient and ethical and practice; respect for your interests, and to establish and enforce the trust and goodwill that are the foundation of a successful business relationship.Yes, that's a bit of information about iPaymu, hopefully inromasi helpful for you all. Thank you