An easy way to normalize the twitter account is suspended - Hello buddy memedcam, did you have twitter? announcing that it is definitely on a suspended twitter account? on this occasion I will share tips on how to normalize a suspended account. The trick is very easy, you just follow the steps below correctly.
1. Please open this URL >> / unsuspended
2. Fill in all the form provided. Condition may also like this
SUBJECT = unsuspended Account
DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM = I Can not see my followers
FULL NAME = contents at will you (preferably your name)
TWITTER USERNAME = Fill a suspended twitter username (without the @)
EMAIL ADDRESS = Fill in the email that you frequently use (may vary from twitter email pal)
PHONE NUMBER = It may not be filled in (optional)
3. and press SUBMIT
4. Check the email that you had input, then check your inbox and open the email from twitter immediately reply to request words. you may use the following directions:
Please unsuspended my account
5. Just wait until may email notifications from twitter twitter if you are able to return to normal. If you do not receive an email notification, check your twitter can be opened or not, that could mean the already normal (phone). Most cepet day (24h) maximum of 2-3 days based on my experience. CAN 100% GUARANTEED! If it has not within one week, try to repeat the above once again.
Thank you for reading tips this article, may be useful, greeting blogger from Indonesia.